alshukri2014a - A Framework For Brand Reputation Mining And Visualisation

A Framework For Brand Reputation Mining And Visualisation

by A. Alshukri, F. Coenen, Yang Li, Andrew Redfern, Prudence W.H. Wong



Online brand reputation is of increasing significance to many organisations and institutes around the globe. As the usage of the www continues to increase it has become the most commonly used platform for users and customers of services and products to discuss their views and experiences. The nature of this www discussion can significantly influence the perception of a brand. It is thus of increasing importance for brand owners to know what is being said about their brand online, hence Brand Reputation Mining (BRM). This paper proposes the BRM framework, a framework to provide support for enterprises wishing to conduct brand reputation management. A key feature of the framework is the visualisation facilities included to allow the display of the results of reputation mining activities. The framework is fully described and illustrated using a case study. The concepts expressed in this paper have been incorporated into the “LittleBirdy” brand reputation management product commercially available from Hit Search Ltd.


A Framework For Brand Reputation Mining And Visualisation (A. Alshukri, F. Coenen, Yang Li, Andrew Redfern, Prudence W.H. Wong), In Proceedings of the 34th SGAI International Conference (SGAI’14), 9-11th December, Cambridge, England UK, Springer, 2014.

Bibtex Entry

	author = {Alshukri, A. and Coenen, F. and Yang Li and Andrew Redfern and Prudence W.H. Wong},
	title = {A Framework For Brand Reputation Mining And Visualisation},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th SGAI International Conference (SGAI'14), 9-11th December, Cambridge, England UK},
	year = {2014},
	address = {Cambridge, England UK},
	pages = {301--315},
	publisher = {Springer},
	isbn = {},
	series = {},

For further details see the full paper.

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