How to install TFLearn
TFlearn is a python deep learning library built on top of TensorFlow. This means you need TensorFlow to be installed before you install TFlearn.
To install TFlearn on Ubuntu (debian based systems) the pip command is used.
> pip install tflearn
It is also recommended to install hdf5 support for file processing.
> pip install h5py
Installing h5py will potentially solve the error below when using TFlearn: “hdf5 is not supported on this machine (please install/reinstall h5py for optimal experience)”
This error should be avoided with the installation of h5py library.
TFlearn Tutorials and Examples
If you would like to see a list of TFlearn tutorials and examples starting from the basics of linear regression, upto advance topics in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Reinforcement Learning, you can find a great list here on the TFLearn Github page.
Further Learning
If you would like to learn more about TensorFlow a good online course covering the basics is available on called Introduction to Tensorflow
. This helped me with understanding best practices when using TensorFlow for building scalable applications.
This work was conducted as part of my research into music and its effect on mood study.