[wordpress] website launched
[Update: This ‘wordpress’ website has now been superseeded with a my new(er) jekyll site]
[wordpress] website was built and is maintained for me to document the research activities, events attended and projects that I have worked on. This website also acts as a place:
- for me to practice my technical writing and communication
- to consolidate my online profiles and manage my online footprint
- for collaborators or people interested to see the type of projects I have worked on and my technical skills
- to document my experiences as a software developer and researcher
The main feature I will be using to document my various activities will be using a blog. The categories used are explained in the list below:
- Events - Details of events I have attended, including conferences, seminars and hack-a-thons etc.
- Projects - A portfolio of projects that I have worked on containing a technical description and code details.
- Research - My research related content, mainly papers I have published or been involved with (conference, journal, posters, abstracts ect). Information will be directed at a general public audience, in an effort to disseminate my research in a more accessible format and language. I will aim to explain the research and its context (with other publications and how it fits with my own research). This category can also be used to publish research work (linked to a project) that has not made it to publication but is still valuable.
- Reference Guides - Content that provides useful information on a topic. Or guides on how to solve development and technical related problems that can be used for my own reference Examples can include:
- Project management techniques I have encountered (e.g SCRUM and PRINCE2)
- Digital marketing information related to SEO or CRO.
- Technical Installation of software libraries etc.
- Dev - “Useful code snippets and development references” Used for software development related content which is not a project or a technical guide. Using this ‘Dev’ category keeps the ‘Projects’ and ‘Reference Guides’ categories more concise, listing only completed projects and useful guides.
- Ideas - This category is used for written communication which is a new idea, point of view or is thought provoking in nature. It may contains debate, speculation, or personal opinion and analysis. This category is distinct from the Reference Material category which aims to cover factual aspects (albeit which I have interpreted), were as this category can contain thoughts, ideas and opinions.
This page will be updated as new features are dreamt up and implemented. Any future features will be added to the road map below. The website development page contains the technical details on the features implemented on this site.
Development Road map
These are the features that will be coming soon to the site:
- Timeline to show projects
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) on the site
For historical purposes I have kept a record of my previous university website.
If you do find any of the content of interest, please feel free to get in contact me or share.